Website Options

Letting another company create your website is quite a step. You probably already have a lot of ideas about what the website should look like. We, at Designconic, are here to fulfill your wishes. Our graphic designers are specialized in digital web development and furfilling the wishes of the customers. Our websites are made with the website software WordPress, just like 43.2% of all websites in the world. WordPress is the best website software. It is therefore not surprising that more than two out of five websites around the world are made via WordPress.

We make your website in a way that the website is mobile friendly for smartphone users, who currently outnumber the laptop and desktop users. Therefore, our customers do not have to pay extra amounts to make their website mobile-friendly and accessible. In addition, we offer search engine optimization, web maintenance and making the website conversion-oriented. There is personal contact with the customer throughout the project. Finally, we provide the customer with a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). You might not know what this means exactly, but hackers do. Hackers hate this. SSL is a security system so that no one can access the (sensitive) data of your website and is there to keep your website safe.


Website Express

  • Initial interview
  • Contact throughout the project
  • Free Domain
  • 5 Pages
  • Free SEO Plugin (Search Engine Optimization)
  • SSL Security
  • Payment mostly Afterwards
  • Graphic design specialists listen to your wishes
  • Choice to have the website maintained
  • Mobile friendly

Website Startup

  • Initial interview
  • Contact throughout the project
  • Free Domain
  • 10 Pages
  • Free SEO Plugin (Search Engine Optimization)
  • SSL Security
  • Payment mostly Afterwards
  • Graphic design specialists listen to your wishes
  • Choice to have the website maintained
  • Mobile friendly

Website Premium

  • Initial interview
  • Contact throughout the project
  • Free Domain
  • 15 Pages
  • Free SEO Plugin (Search Engine Optimization)
  • SSL Security
  • Payment mostly Afterwards
  • Graphic design specialists listen to your wishes
  • Choice to have the website maintained
  • Mobile friendly

Website Business

  • Initial interview
  • Contact throughout the project
  • Free Domain
  • 20 Pages
  • Free SEO Plugin (Search Engine Optimization)
  • SSL Security
  • Payment mostly Afterwards
  • Graphic design specialists listen to your wishes
  • Choice to have the website maintained
  • Mobile friendly

Are you still unsure about your choice? Feel free to contact us. We are here to answer your questions!